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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Governor's True Colors

What did we learn about our Governor this week?
1.  He is not fit for a national ticket.
2.  He is probably a border-line sexual deviant.
3.  He seems a perfect fit for Colorado.

Gov. John Hickenlooper made two sexually charged comments this week - one of the comments was made to a gathering of 40 elementary-school children. During an event honoring literacy, Hickenlooper introduced his Lt. Gov. Joe Garcia as, "that rising sex star." In an attempt to correct himself, Hickenlooper rephrased his introduction to, "symbol, I mean symbol, not star."

Hard to know why Hickenlooper would think "symbol" more appropriate than ''star'' when talking to children. Did he think the young girls would find Garcia sexy? "Gag" is probably a more accurate response.

The next inappropriate sexual remark came days later at a Colorado Business Committee for the Arts event. While introducing Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, the Governor told 630 attendees that Hancock's wife was an award-winning singer and then added, "We read about how President Obama sings to Michelle in the shower. So you can just imagine what the mayor gives his wife in the shower. Uh, I mean what SHE gives him."

Hickenlooper's politically astute wife tried to cover for her husband's public deviance saying, "He isn't a typical politician, always ready with a glib comment." The problem with her justification is that the Govenor was not ambushed by aggressive journalists demanding comments, he completely contrived these introductions and chose to sexually offend elementary-school children and sexually harass the Mayor's wife - let's just call it what it is, and not be "typically political."

The Governor's wife and handlers try to brush it off as "aw-shucks" comments from a cow boyish (not really a cowboy, but will wear the hat) former brew master, but that's not what Hickenloaper is. Hickenloopcr is a professional politician, first as the long term (if ineffectual) Mayor of Denver, and now as Governor. With this kind of background his comments can't be discounted as inexperience - he meant what he said.

Members of Denver's black community agree, Rev. Timothy Tyler, pastor of Shorter Community AME Church in Denver, told reporters, those of us who believe in decently and respect are not amused."  Both Garcia and Hancock are black.

Hickenlooper has a mixed relationship with the state's black community, they support his as a Democrat because they know their lives would be worse under a Republican administration, but they are angry and distrustful of the Governor for turning a blind eye to white police brutality and the murder of minorities in Denver while he was Mayor. It took Hancock to bring in a new black police chief from out-of-state to try and change. the culture of abuse entrenched during Hickenlooper's leadership of the city.

Hickenlooper chose to back the powerful police union and rode his "do nothing'' police policy into the Governor’s mansion. Politically a smart move in Colorado, morally...you decide. The recognition of the Governor as a sexual harasser and part-time bigot will probably not hurt his standing in the state.

Had he been Governor on either coast he would now be considered a one-termer, but not in Colorado where minority lawmakers are greatly underrepresented and even Speaker of the House Frank McNulty likes to make public sexual remarks about the size of his gavel, "Be careful with this one. It's bigger than the one you're used to handling."

It is comforting though that someone who sexually offends children and sexually harasses a colleague's wife, will probably never get a chance to stand on the national stage - thank goodness for moments of truth disguised as political gaffes. Relax Colorado and give up the delusion, Hick is not the guy the nation wants.

Chilly Child Turns Criminal

Colorado is not known as Colorado incarceration state for nothing this week channel 9 News reported a sixth-grader from Shaw Heights Middle School was handcuffed, put in a squad car, and taken to a juvenile detention center for walking away from an assistant principal who stopped the child from getting her sweater during lunch.

The girl reportedly   told the school official she was cold and, "I don't have time for this." The middle schooler was taken to a counselor's office and then handled over to police.

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