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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

DORA Finds No Fault with Prison Mental Health Providers

The Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), the state's government watchdog, found no wrongdoing in the actions of four mental health providers charged with administering the sex offender treatment program at the Fremont Correctional Facility in a report released in mid-November.

In their findings DORA stated, "The Board realizes these issues are very important and carefully considered your complaint. The review of this information resulted in a finding that there were insufficient grounds to warrant the commencement of formal disciplinary proceedings as required by the provisions of Colorado law."

The complaint revolved around a claim of wrongful termination by an inmate in mental health treatment at the Fremont facility. The claim was that staff made false statements, violated due process, and falsified state records. The following individuals were absolved of the accusations; Margaret Heil, CSW; Burl McCullar, LPC; James Lander, LPC; and Michel Davis, RP.

In conjunction with the DORA complaint, the inmate filed a civil suit in District Court claiming wrongful termination of treatment.

The Court ruling found in favor of CDOC stating, "The panel's decision to terminate the Plaintiff's sex offender treatment will therefore be affirmed.''

The inmate immediately filed a notice to appeal, opening briefs in the case are due mid-January.

Related Story

DORA puts CDOC in the hot seat     

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